Recording Process

If you have been along for the ride with my album-making process, you know that it has been full of many curves and bumps.

The original plan was go to Costa Rica and record in January 2020 after funding the album project in November of 2019. I rescheduled the trip due to illness in the family, which was definitely the right decision to make during a very challenging chapter. I rescheduled for late March, and like everything else, COVID was the cause for another cancellation.

I spent the spring and summer wondering when the project would ever get underway. Mid-summer, I headed to Lake Superior for a weekend of fresh air and rest. Within that weekend it occurred to me that I could record in Minneapolis and remotely track in the Costa Rican artists I wanted on the album. I could get moving on the project again and throw myself into creative work again. It wasn’t the original plan, but it was a great plan amidst life’s hurdles.

Not only has it been great to get into creative work again, but there are so many things that have come up that have made me happy to be recording in Minneapolis. It feels great to collaborate with musicians I have close connections with. This project is very dear to me, and it is in great hands with people who know me and my artistic approach well. Also, during a hard season to work in entertainment, it has felt really good to be able to hire musicians in my community.

All this to say….


We are done recording and working through the pile of editing and mixing work to do.

Shout out to STEVE KAUL from Wild Sound, who is killing it at recording. There are about a million moving parts in this project and he is on top of them all!

Also, to STEVE YEAGER who is helping me with production. He has pushed me and encouraged me in many ways and I can not thank him enough!

What a team!

Then the musicians: Here is who we’ve recorded locally…

Chris Bates, bassist

Nachito Herrera, pianist

Karla Colahan, violinist

Bryan Nichols, pianist

Dave Schmalenberger, drummer

Daniel Volovets, guitar

Fernando Meza, percussion

Bob Barnes, bandoneon player

Olivia Diercks, cellist

Riley Helgeson, trumpet

Steve Yeager, vibes

Up next, is editing and mixing tracks, as well as incorporating tracks from drummer Carlomagno Araya in Costa Rica!

Stay tuned for a release date, but GET EXCITED. I am absolutely loving how it sounds and CAN NOT WAIT to share it.

Meanwhile, enjoy some photos from the recording process!

Follow me on instragram for more frequent updates @jennyklukken

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